In her amazing diary, Anne Frank revealed the challenges and dreams common for any young girl. But Hitler brought her childhood to an end and forced her family into hiding. This nonfiction chapter book looks closely at her life before the secret annex, what life was like in hiding, and the legacy of her diary. 8-12 years
Behind the Bookcase: Miep Gies, Anne Frank and the Hiding Place
By Barbara Lowell, Illustrated by Valentina Toro
Miep Gies risked her life to keep a secret. Behind the bookcase in her office, stairs led to a hiding place where Anne Frank and her family hid from the Nazis. Once a refugee herself, Miep knew the power of kindness. Her selflessness, humanity, and bravery sheltered Anne for a time. Because of Miep, Anne Frank’s story lives on. 7-11 years
Anne Frank
By Josephine Poole, Illustrated by Angela Barrett
The life of Anne Frank, from birth until being taken from the hidden attic by the Nazis, is presented in the well-researched picture book. 10 and up
Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation
By Anne Frank, Illustrated by David Polonsky
A timeless story rediscovered by each new generation, The Diary of a Young Girl stands without peer. For both young readers and adults it continues to capture the remarkable spirit of the young girl, who for a time survived the worst horror the modern world has seen—and who remained triumphantly human throughout.
Adapted by Ari Folman, illustrated by David Polonsky, and authorized by the Anne Frank Foundation in Basel, this is the first graphic edition of The Diary and includes extensive quotation directly from the definitive edition. It remains faithful to the original, while the illustrations interpret and add layers of visual meaning to this classic work of Holocaust literature.
The Cat Who Lived With Anne Frank
By David Lee Miller and Stephen Jay Rubin, Illustrated by Elizabeth Baddeley
When Mouschi the cat goes with his boy, Peter, to a secret annex, he meets a girl named Anne. Bright, kind and loving, she dreams of freedom and of becoming a writer whose words change the world. But Mouschi, along with Anne and her family and friends, must stay hidden, hoping for the war to end and for a better future.
Told from the perspective of the cat who actually lived in the famous Amsterdam annex, this poignant book paints a picture of a young girl who wistfully dreams of a better life for herself and her friends. She wonders what mark she might leave on the world, and, above all, adamantly believes in the goodness of people. Accompanied by vivid art, this book is a perfect introduction to a serious topic for younger readers. 4-8 years
Anne Frank The Girl Heard Around the World
By Linda Elovitz Marshall, Illustrated by Aura Lewis
Linda Elovitz Marshall introduces readers to the story of Anne Frank in this powerful book about family, war, and the importance of finding your voice.
During her two years in hiding from the Nazis, Anne Frank poured her soul into a red plaid diary named Kitty. She wrote honestly of the reality of Nazi occupation, of daily life in the annex, and of her longing to be heard. More than anything, she spoke the truth, and her words have echoed throughout history. 6-8 years
Anne Frank: National Geographic Reader
By Alexandra Zapruder
This level-3 reader brings an understanding of Anne Frank’s historical significance to a whole new audience. Young readers will learn about the brave and tragic life of the young girl who kept a diary while in hiding from Nazis. 6-9 years
Anne Frank and the Remembering Tree
By Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Illustrated by Erika Steiskal
This is a story of a young girl, who loved a tree and the tree who promised never to forget her. This book is co-published with the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, the first U.S. recipient of a sapling from the tree outside the Secret Annex window. 6-9 years
The Tree in the Courtyard: Looking Through Anne Frank’s Window
By Jeff Gottesfeld, Illustrated by Peter McCarty
The tree in the courtyard, where Anne and her family hid from the Nazis, was a horse chestnut tree. Its leaves were like green stars and its flowers cones of white and pink. The tree died the summer she would have turned eighty-one, but its seeds and saplings have been planted around the world as a symbol of peace. Its story and hers are told and illustrated in this picture book. 5-8 years
Anne Frank: The Young Writer Who Told the World Her Story
By Ann Kramer
This book takes readers back to the dark days of World War II through the story of the famous young diarist. Like teenagers everywhere, she wrote about friends, family, movies, her greatest joys, and her deepest fears. Through her diary entries, we experience her changing world as persecution, hiding, and betrayal become part of daily life in Nazi occupied Europe. 8-12years
Anne Frank: HerLife in Words and Pictures
By Menno Metselaar and Rudd van der Rol
On a summer day in 1942, Anne Frank and her family went into hiding from the Nazis. Until the day they were arrested, more than two years later, she kept a diary. This book produced in association with The Anne Frank House is a visual guide to her tragic, but inspiring story. 9-12 years
Inside Anne Frank’s House
By Hans Westra
More than 350 full-color and black-and-white photographs capture the legacy of Anne Frank in a visual tour of the famous Amsterdam home in which she and her family took refuge to escape the Nazis. All ages
The book descriptions are primarily from the publishers.
If you like this post, then please consider sharing it and leaving a comment below. Barbara Lowell, Children’s Author
By Lori Haskins Houran, Illustrated by Viviana Garofoli
This Golden Book introduces the youngest readers to our first president with engaging anecdotes. Learn how young George Washington liked to study and ride his horse. With fun facts, including: George’s image is found on our dollar bill, our postage stamps and on Mount Rushmore.
George Washington’s Teeth
By Deborah Chandra and Madeleine Comora, Illustrated by Brock Cole
From battling toothaches while fighting the British, to having rotten teeth removed by his dentists, the Father of His Country suffered all his life with tooth problems. Yet, contrary to popular belief, he never had a set of wooden teeth. Starting at the age of twenty-four, George Washington lost on average a tooth a year. By the time he was elected president, he had only two left. In this reverentially funny tale written in verse and based on Washington’s letters, diaries, and other historical records, readers will find out what really happened as they follow the trail of lost teeth to complete tooflessness.
Dear Mr. Washington
By Lynn Cullen, Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter
Charlotte, James, and baby John have promised to be on their very best behavior for when George Washington comes to have his portrait painted by their father, Gilbert Stuart. But, it seems like every time George Washington comes to visit, Charlotte has to write another apology letter, even when they try to follow George Washington’s Rules of Good Behavior. If these whippersnappers want any dessert, they are going to have to learn some manners—and fast! What results is a hilarious chain of events, a giant mess…and a painting that will be remembered for centuries to come. 5-8 years
George Washington: His Legacy of Faith, Character, and Courage
By Demi
In this beautifully illustrated book, children will learn the epic story of George Washington, the father of our country, and be inspired by his strong faith, character, and courage. They will discover that the animating force of his heroic life was a deep, abiding faith and trust in God.
This book begins with interesting facts about Washington’s ancestors, who had been involved with important key moments in British history, and the story of his forefathers who then came to the United States.
We learn about the life of young George growing up in Virginia and how he developed the skills needed for farming, hunting, horse riding and self-defense. It shows how he was devoutly religious from the time of his youth.
It tells about his great military career and leadership, with many heroic moments in battles, capped by leading the Continental Army to victory in the Revolutionary War for America’s independence. And then bringing unity, strength and growth to our new country with his being elected as America’s first President.
George Washington: The First President
By Sarah Albee, Illustrated by Chin Ko
After General Washington led the American colonists to victory in the Revolutionary War, everyone thought he should become the first president of the United States. He became a strong leader and a wise president. Kids will learn interesting facts about Washington including his spy ring and how one of his dogs was named Sweetlips.
George Washington’s Spies
By Claudia Friddell
During the Revolutionary War, General George Washington (AKA “Agent 711”) was the leader of a ring of spies! The group—called the Culper Ring—used secret names, codes, invisible ink, and more to spy on the British and pass along information. Nobody knew about it at the time (and few do so today), but those sneaky heroes risked their lives to help win the American Revolution!
George Washington’s Cows
By David Small
“George Washington’s cows were kept upstairs,
And given their own special room.
They never were seen by light of day.
No matter for what or by whom.”
These cows are just the beginning of George’s problems. To be sure, his hogs are helpful around the house, but it irks Martha when their parties are better than hers. And then there are the sheep, all of them smarter than Tom Jefferson, with degrees (sheepskins) to prove it. What’s a Father of his country to do?
George Washington’s Rules to Live By:
How to Sit, Stand, Smile, and Be Cool! A Good Manners Guide From the Father of Our Country
By K.M. Kostyal and George Washington, Illustrated by Fred Harper
Featuring the Rules of Civility that George Washington learned when he was a child, this book focuses on 50 of his maxims, ranging from table manners to polite conversation to being a good citizen. Paired with laugh-out-loud illustrations, this book is a sure-fire guide to amazing etiquette.
George Did It!
By Suzanne Tripp Jurmain, Illustrated by Larry Day
Everyone wanted George Washington to be the president. He was responsible, led the army in a fight against the British, and helped write the Constitution. But being the president is a very important job, and George was too nervous. So, to everyone’s surprise, he said no! But George had many supporters and with the help of the cheering crowds and loyal advisers and dignitaries, he realized that he didn’t have time to think about how nervous he was. He just had to do his job.
Who Was George Washington?
By Roberta Edwards, Illustrated by True Kelley
In 1789, George Washington became the first president of the United States. He has been called the Father of Our Country for leading America through its early years. Washington also served in two major wars: the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. This book brings Washington’s fascinating story to life, revealing the real man, not just the face on the dollar bill.
George Washington, Spymaster: How the Americans Outspied the British and Won the Revolutionary War
By Thomas B. Allen
Follow the action as 1775 dawns, and Washington finds himself in serious trouble. At war with Britain, the world’s most powerful empire, his ragtag army possesses only a few muskets, some cannons, and no money. The American’s only hope is to wage an invisible war — a war of spies, intelligence networks, and deception.
George Washington
By Cheryl Harness
Cheryl Harness uses her vibrant are and down-to-earth style to “chip away the marble” and present George Washington as more than a monument. We see George the adventurous boy tromping through the woods with his dog and hunting rifle. We see him as the courageous military leader fighting alongside his men. And we see him as a brilliant statesman and president.
The book descriptions used are primarily from the publishers.
If you like this post, then please consider sharing it and leaving a comment below. Thank you! Barbara Lowell, Children’s Author
Words Set Me Free: The Story of Young Frederick Douglass
By Lesa Cline-Ransome, Illustrated by James E. Ransome
This picture book biography chronicles the youth of Frederick Douglass, one of the most prominent African American figures in American history. Douglass spent his life advocating for the equality of all, and it was through reading that he was able to stand up for himself and others. This is a moving and captivating look at the young life of the inspirational man who said, “I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.”
Frederick Douglass: Voice for Justice, Voice for Freedom
By Frank Murphy, Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell
Frederick Douglass was a keystone figure in the abolitionist movement, and his story has impacted generations of people fighting for civil rights in America. He was born to an enslaved mother and grew up with the horrors of slavery. In the course of his childhood, he was able to learn to read, and soon realized that reading and language were a source of power, and could be the keys to his freedom. Frederick Douglass spoke and wrote about injustice and equality, and his words profoundly affected the conversation about slavery in America. His activism will resonate with kids today who are observing and participating in our activist culture.
Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History
By Walter Dean Myers, Illustrated by Floyd Cooper
Frederick Douglass was a self-educated slave in the South who grew up to become an icon. He was a leader of the abolitionist movement, a celebrated writer, an esteemed speaker, and a social reformer, proving that, as he said, “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”
Who Was Frederick Douglass
By April Jones Prince, Illustrated by Robert Squier
Born into slavery in Maryland in 1818, Frederick Douglass was determined to gain freedom. Once he realized that knowledge was power, he secretly learned to read and write to give himself an advantage. After escaping to the North in 1838, as a free man he gave powerful speeches about his experience as a slave. He was so impressive that he became a friend of President Abraham Lincoln.
Bread For Words: A Frederick Douglass Story
By Shana Keller, Illustrated by Kayla Stark
Frederick Douglass knew where he was born but not when. He knew his grandmother but not his father. And as a young child, there were other questions, such as Why am I a slave? Answers to those questions might have eluded him but Douglass did know for certain that learning to read and to write would be the first step in his quest for freedom and his fight for equality.
Told from first-person perspective, this picture-book biography draws from the real-life experiences of a young Frederick Douglass and his attempts to learn how to read and write. Author Shana Keller personalizes the text for young readers, using some of Douglass’s own words. The lyrical title comes from how Douglass “paid” other children to teach him.
Frederick’s Journey: The Life of Frederick Douglass
By Doreen Rappaport, Illustrated by London Ladd
Frederick Douglass was born a slave. He was taken from his mother as a baby, and separated from his grandparents when he was six. He suffered hunger and abuse, but miraculously, he learned how to read. Frederick read newspapers left in the street, and secretly collected spellings from neighborhood children. Words, he knew, would set him free. When Frederick was twenty, he escaped to the North, where he spread his abolitionist beliefs through newspaper articles, autobiographies, and speeches. He believed that all people-regardless of color or gender-were entitled to equal rights. It is Douglass’s words, as well as his life, that still provide hope and inspiration across generations.
Frederick Douglass: The Last Day of Slavery
By William Miller, Illustrated by Cedric Lucas
Born into slavery, young Frederick Douglass dreams of the day he and his people will be free. Yet until that day, his only escape is through the books he reads. They take him to worlds far from his own. When a menacing overseer named Covey sees that Frederick is different from the other slaves, he sets out to “break” him. But Frederick’s surprising response to Covey’s brutality is an act of courage that frees forever what no person can hold captive: hisspirit.
Frederick Douglass Abolitionist Hero
By George E. Stanley, Illustrated by Meryl Henderson
Frederick Douglass was born into slavery. He was separated from his family when he was young. He worked day and night and was beaten for no other reason than the color of his skin. How could anyone ever overcome such overwhelming odds? But Frederick eventually became a famous abolitionist, author, statesman, and reformer. He triumphed over impossible obstacles and paved the way for others to achieve freedom.
Frederick Douglass: National Geographic Readers
By Barbara Kramer
Discover the world of one of America’s most celebrated abolitionists, writers, and orators and learn about his life, achievements, and the challenges he faced along the way.
Frederick Douglass (True Books)
By Josh Gregory
Born into slavery, Frederick Douglass knew from an early age that all people deserved freedom. Discover how he secretly educated himself and taught fellow slaves how to read. And how he escaped to freedom and became one of the nation’s most persuasive voices for abolition.
Two Friends: Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglas
By Dean Robbins, Illustrated by Sean Qualls and Selina Aiko
Two friends, Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass get together for tea and conversation. They recount their similar stories fighting to win rights for women and African Americans. This story is inspired by a statue in their hometown of Rochester, New York, which shows the two friends having tea.
Frederick Douglass for Kids: His Life and Times with 21 Activities
By Nancy I. Sanders
Few Americans have had as much impact on this nation as Frederick Douglass. Born on a plantation, he later escaped slavery and helped others to freedom via the Underground Railroad. In time he became a bestselling author, an outspoken newspaper editor, a brilliant orator, a tireless abolitionist, and a brave civil rights leader. He was famous on both sides of the Atlantic in the years leading up to the Civil War, and when war broke out, Abraham Lincoln invited him to the White House for counsel and advice. 9 years+
Friends for Freedom: The Story of Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass
By Suzanne Slade, Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell
No one thought Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass would ever become friends. The former slave and the outspoken woman came from two different worlds. But they shared deep-seated beliefs in equality and the need to fight for it. Despite naysayers, hecklers, arsonists, and even their own disagreements, Susan and Frederick remained fast friends and worked together to change America. 6-9 years
The book descriptions used are primarily from the publishers.
If you like this post, then please consider sharing it and leaving a comment below. Thank you! Barbara Lowell, Children’s Author
Amelia Earhart first became interested in airplanes during World War I when she was a volunteer nurse’s aide at a Canadian military hospital. In 1920, she watched her first airplane exhibition. It took place in Long Beach, California. Amelia’s father arranged a plane ride for her the next day. “By the time I got 200 to 300 feet off the ground, I knew I had to fly,” she said.
Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Amelia took flying lessons from a female pilot, Neta Snook. She then bought her first plane and named it “The Canary” because it was painted yellow. After taking stunt flying lessons, Amelia flew in air shows. She broke an altitude world record by flying 14,000 feet high. In 1923, she earned her pilot’s license.
Photo Courtesy of Shutterstock
Charles Lindbergh became the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927. Soon, Amelia was asked to become the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. She would be the captain of the flight and keep the flight log. But Amelia would not fly the plane.
Amelia Dressed For Her 1928 Flight
Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
On June 17, 1928, Amelia, pilot Bill Stultz, and mechanic and co-pilot, Slim Gordon took off from Newfoundland headed for London, England. Their plane, named Friendship, could take off from and land in water.
They flew into fog at 3,000 feet and then into a snowstorm. BillStultz flew lower and finally found sunshine. But it didn’t last and again they flew into fog. Unable to see, they radioed ships below asking for their location. Then the radio broke.
When they had only one hour of fuel left, Stulz flew down through the clouds and found a ship. The fliers tried to make contact with the ship, but were unable to. They knew if they landed in the water, Amelia would not be credited with flying across the Atlantic. They continued flying and finally spotted land. It was Burry Port, Wales.
When Amelia returned to America, she was a celebrity. New York City treated her, Bill Stulz, and Slim Gordon to a ticker-tape parade. Amelia wrote a book about the flight titled, 20 Hrs., 40 min.: Our Flight in the Friendship.
Amelia was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. But she hadn’t flown the plane. Now Amelia wanted to be the first woman to pilot a plane solo across the Atlantic.
Lockheed Vega
Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
In 1929, she bought a red Lockheed Vega airplane. She set new speed and altitude records in the Vega. She flew from the East coast to the West coast and back again. In 1932, Amelia was ready to attempt to duplicate the solo flight of Charles Lindbergh.
On May 20, 1932, exactly five years after Lindbergh’s historic flight, Amelia took off in her Vega airplane from Newfoundland. She hoped to reach Paris as Lindbergh had. At first the sky was clear, but then Amelia flew into rain and then ice. She flew lower to melt the ice, but her altimeter had broken. She could no longer tell how high up she was. Amelia had to be very careful not to fly close to the ocean.
Amelia in Northern Island
Photo Courtesy of Shutterstock
When her reserve fuel tank leaked, Amelia abandoned her plans to land in Paris. She looked for land and spotted a pasture. After safely landing, a farmer told her she was in Northern Ireland. The trip took 14 hours and 56 minutes over 2,026 miles. Amelia Earhart was now the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
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By Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso, Illustrated by Dede Putra
Born in the West Indies and orphaned as a child, Alexander Hamilton made his way to the American Colonies. He fought in the American Revolution and rose to the rank of Major General. He became the chief aide to General George Washington. After the war, Alexander became the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. 8-12 years
Alexander Hamilton American Hero
By Barbara Lowell, Illustrated by George Ermos
With his face on the ten-dollar and an award-winning musical about his life, it’s clear that Alexander Hamilton’s story is one worth telling. Despite feeling like an outsider, Hamilton fought hard to form a united nation with a strong central government. And many of his ideas are still relevant today! With this illustrated leveled reader, kids can learn about the man who, in many ways, was a true American hero. 6-8 years
Most people know that Alexander Hamilton was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr, and that his face is on the ten dollar bill. But he was much more than that!
Born in the West Indies, Hamilton arrived in New York as an immigrant, an outsider. He fought in the American Revolution and became George Washington’s most valuable aide-de-camp. As one of America’s Founding Fathers, he was there for the writing of theConstitution and became the first Secretary of the Treasury. Alexander Hamilton was a man of action, honorable, ambitious, and fiercely loyal to his adopted country. 8-12 years
Alexander Hamilton: The Fighting Founder Father
By Mark Shulman, Illustrated by Kelly Tindall
Alexander Hamilton: The Fighting Founding Father! tells the story of one of the most ambitious and controversial figures in American history in a graphic novel format. From a rough childhood on the Caribbean island of Nevis to the highest levels of American politics, His life was filled with adventure, conflict, and controversy. Full-color illustrations and an entertaining narrative make this graphical biography of America’s first Secretary of the Treasury accessible for readers of all ages. 8-12 years
Alexander Hamilton: The Graphic History of an American Founding Father
By Jonathan Hennessey, Illustrated by Justin Greenwood
Alexander Hamilton was one of the most influential figures in United States history. He fought in the Revolutionary War, helped develop the Constitution, and as the first Secretary of the Treasury established landmark economic policy that we still use today. Hennessey and Greenwood tell the story of this improbable hero who helped shape the United States of America. A graphic novel.
Alexander Hamilton From Orphan to Founding Father
By Monica Kulling, Illustrated by Valerio Fabbretta
Did you know that one of our Founding Fathers was not born in America? An orphan from the West Indies, Alexander Hamilton came to the colonies and played an important role in the Revolutionary War. He helped obtain the ratification of the Constitution. He was American’s first secretary of the treasury. A man of ambition, loyalty, and principle, he is now celebrated asthe prominent patriot he was. 5-8 years
Alexander Hamilton Activity Book
By George Toufexis
This educational activity book celebrates the inspiring achievements of Alexander Hamilton. With challenging activities including: word searches, mazes, puzzles, spot-the-difference, secret codes and more. 9-12 years
The Duel: The Parallel Lives of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr
By Judith St. George
In curiously parallel lives, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr were both orphaned at an early age. Both were brilliant students, were staff officers under George Washington, and became war heroes. Each served in the newly formed government. Why, then, did these two face each other at dawn in a duel that ended with death for one and harsh criticism for the other. 112 pages
Alexander Hamilton: A Plan for America
By Sarah Albee, Illustrated by Chin Ko
Alexander Hamilton was one of America’s founders. He was the first secretary of the treasury and George Washington’s right-hand man. But he also made some dangerous enemies during his short yet dramatic life.
Beginning readers will learn about the milestones in his life in this Level Two I Can Read biography, which combines a traditional, illustrated narrative with historical illustrations and photographs at the back of the book—complete with a timeline, illustrations, and interesting facts.
Alexander Hamilton: A Plan for America is a Level Two I Can Read, geared for kids who read on their own but still need a little help. 4-8 years
Aaron and Alexander: The Most Famous Duel in American History
By Don Brown
Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton were both fierce patriots during the Revolutionary War, but the politics of the young United States of America put them in constant conflict. Their extraordinary story of bitter fighting and resentment culminates in their famous duel. 5-7 years
The book descriptions used are primarily from the publishers.
If you like this post, then please consider sharing it and leaving a comment below. Thank you! Barbara Lowell, Children’s Author
Albert Einstein’s name is a synonym for genius. His wild case of bedhead and his playful sense of humor made him a media superstar, the first, maybe only, scientist-celebrity. He wasn’t much for lab work. In fact, he had a tendency to blow up experiments. What he liked to do was think in “thought experiments.” What was the result of all his thinking? Nothing less than the overturning of Newtonian physics. 8-12 years
On a Beam of Light: The Story of Albert Einstein
By Jennifer Berne, Illustrated by Vladimir Radunsky
Travel along with Einstein on a journey full of curiosity, laughter, and scientific discovery. See how imagination can make a powerful difference in a life. 6-9 years
Odd Boy Out: Young Albert Einstein
By Don Brown
When he was born in 1879, Albert was a peculiarly fat baby with an unusually big and misshaped head. When he was a child, he hit his sister, frustrated his teachers, and had few friends. But his childhood also included his brilliant capacity for puzzles and problem solving. He set his mind spinning with ideas. His ideas were destined to change the way we know and understand the world and our place in the universe. 4-7 years
Who Was Albert Einstein?
By Jess Braillier, Illustrated by Robert Andrew Parker
Everyone has heard of Albert Einstein, but what exactly did he do? How much do kids really know about him besides his funny hair and genius label? Here’s the story of his life told in a funny, engaging way that explores the world he lived in and changed. 3-7 years.
Albert Einstein: A Curious Mind
By Sarah Albee, Illustrated by Gustavo Mazzali
Albert Einstein was a famous scientist who questioned everything—even the laws of physics! Einstein’s innovative thinking paved the way for many important inventions and discoveries that helped shape the world we live in.
Beginning readers will learn about the milestones in Albert Einstein’s life in this Level Two I Can Read. This biography includes a timeline and photos about the life of this inspiring scientist.
This book is a Guided Reading Level Q and a Level Two I Can Read book, geared for kids who read on their own but still need a little help. 4-8 years
Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity
By Jordi Bayarri
Albert Einstein’s restless intelligence drove him to ponder the biggest topics the universe has to offer: light, time, mass, energy, and more. His conclusions changed the way people thought about the laws of physics. But first, he had to pass his university entrance exams. This graphic biography traces Einstein’s path from his home country of Germany to his studies in Switzerland to his time in the United States. It also follows his life as an international scientific celebrity and his refusal to stay silent in the face of anti-Semitism. 10-14 years
Albert Einstein: Genius of Space and Time
By Mark Shulman, Illustrated by Kelly Tindall
By any measure, Albert Einstein changed the ways we understand—and measure—space and time. At first his ideas were ridiculed, but soon they were idolized. Prior to World War II, Einstein was a celebrated figure in Germany, but when the Nazi Party rose to power in the 1930s, he fled for his life and eventually settled in the United States. This proved to be a crucial decision, as his knowledge of physics helped the United States develop the atomic bomb and win the war. Albert Einstein: Genius of Space and Time! recounts the life of the world’s most famous scientist—from his youth in Germany to his final years in the United States. 8-12 years
Albert Einstein and Relativity for Kids
By Jerome Pohlen
Albert Einstein made a lasting impact on the world of science with his genius, fascinating life, and unique personality. This book features lots of science activities. Ages 9 and up
Albert Einstein: National Geographic Readers
By Libby Romero
Explore one of the most recognized scientists in the world with this biography. Kids will learn about his life, achievements, and the challenges he faced along the way. 6-9 years
Albert Einstein
By Frieda Wishinsky
This DK biography tackles one of the most colorful figures in science history. Ages 10 and up
The book descriptions used are primarily from the publishers.
If you like this post, then please consider sharing it and leaving a comment below. Thank you! Barbara Lowell, Children’s Author
Thomas Edison grew up at a time when children went to work to help support their families. At age twelve or thirteen, he sold newspapers on the train that ran from his hometown, Port Huron, Michigan, to Detroit.
In his free time, Thomas liked to read all about science and technology. He also liked to experiment with chemicals. He set up a laboratory in his basement. And he even conducted experiments in the baggage car of the train he worked on.
Young Thomas Edison (Wikimedia Commons)
At age sixteen, Thomas became a telegraph operator for the railroad. But he had to leave his job after a train accident was blamed on him. He then worked for the Associated Press at night. This job allowed him to read and work on experiments during the day.
Thomas Edison (Wikimedia Commons)
His first invention was an electric vote recorder. The recorder could be used by members of legislatures to count their votes on bills right away. But it was a failure. Thomas discovered that politicians did not want a fast way to count their votes.
Thomas’s first successful invention was a stock ticker that improved on earlier ones. His stock ticker let investors know quickly what was happening in the stock market.
Thomas Edison and his phonograph (Pixabay)
Thomas Edison’s first big invention was the phonograph. It recorded and produced sound that people could hear clearly. This invention made him famous all over the world. He became known as “The Wizard of Menlo Park.” Menlo Park was his research laboratory complex in New Jersey.
Thomas Edison and engineers at Menlo Park (Shutterstock)
Now it was time for his greatest invention, the incandescent light bulb. Inventors had tried for years to come up with an electric light bulb that would replace gaslight. But no one had found a practical way to do that.
First, Thomas set up the Edison Electric Light Company. Then he worked for years trying to perfect a light bulb. He failed many times until he tried a platinum filament. The light bulb burned for 13 1/2 hours. But Thomas wanted a bulb that would burn much longer and would be cheaper to make.
Edison light bulb (Shutterstock)
Thomas had been fishing with a bamboo pole made from bamboo threads. He decided to try a carbonized bamboo filament. And eureka, his light bulb lasted for over 1,200 hours. It was affordable too. Thomas demonstrated his light bulb by lighting up his Menlo Park laboratory complex.
Thomas Edison (Pixabay)
Thomas wasn’t satisfied just inventing a practical light bulb. He wanted to light up everyone’s home, business, and factory. He started the Edison Illuminating Company. Thomas’s first power station went into operation in Manhattan. It lit up a one-mile square area. It was only a matter of time until electric light lit up the world.
His other inventions include a motion picture camera, and a Kinetoscope to project the images on, and the first alkaline battery for electric cars. It was the forerunner of the alkaline batteries we use today.
by K.M. Koystal and Benjamin Franklin, Illustrated by Fred Harper
Discover history through the eyes of one of the smartest, funniest, and coolest figures from America’s past. Ben gives sage advice on everything from good citizenship, manners, friendship, and being happy.
Ben Franklin & the Magic Squares
By Frank Murphy, Illustrated by Richard Walz
A funny, entertaining introduction to Ben Franklin and his many inventions, including the story of how he created the “magic square.” A magic square is a box of nine numbers. They are arranged so that any line of three adds up to the same number, even on the diagonal.
What’s the Big Idea Ben Franklin
By Jean Fritz, Illustrated by Margaret Tomes
A fun historic tale by Newbery Honor-winning author, Jean Fritz! No matter how busy he was, Ben Franklin always found time to try out new ideas. A man of many talents, he was an ambassador, a printer, an almanac maker, a politician, and even a vegetarian (for a time.)
Ben Franklin Thinks Big
By Shelia Keenan, Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali
Ben Franklin was a famous inventor, statesman, and writer who helped the thirteen colonies become the United States. From inventing the lightning rod to helping write the Declaration of Independence, his big ideas had a lasting impact on American history.
Beginning readers will learn about the milestones in Ben Franklin’s life in this Level Two I Can Read biography. This biography includes bonus materials, complete with a timeline and historical illustrations, including Franklin’s electrical machine invention and his leaf print money that couldn’t be counterfeited. 4-8 years
When I Grow Up: Benjamin Franklin
By Annmarie Anderson, Illustrated by Gerald Kelley
Benjamin Franklin is one of America’s most beloved Founding Fathers and a man of many talents. He is most well-known for discovering electricity. But he was also an author, and editor, a printer, and a diplomat. And he invented many things we still use today. This book takes the reader on an exciting journey from Ben’s childhood to his adulthood as a famous American.
Who Was Ben Franklin
By Dennis Brindell Fradin, Illustrated by John O’Brien
Ben Franklin was the scientist who, with the help of a kite, discovered that lightning is electricity. He was also a statesman, an inventor, a printer, and an an author. He was a man of such amazingly varied talents that some people claimed he had magical powers.
Now and Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin
By Gene Barretta
What would you do if you lived in a community without a library, hospital, post office, or fire department? If you were Ben Franklin, you’d set these up yourself. Franklin also designed the lightning rod. He suggested the idea of daylight savings time. And he invented bifocals. All were inspired by his common sense and intelligence.
Benjamin Franklin: Inventor of the Nation
By Mark Shulman, Illustrated by Kelly Tindall
Benjamin Franklin has been called one of the most accomplished and influential Americans in history, and his role in shaping the United States has had a lasting impact that is still felt today. From his birth in Boston in 1706 to his days as a printer, inventor, and politician.
Benjamin Franklin: Inventor of the Nation! tells the story of “the First American” in an accessible graphic novel format. Franklin’s research into topics as varied as electricity, meteorology, demography, and oceanography were as wide-ranging and important as his travels, which took him across the globe as a diplomat for the newly founded United States toward the end of the 18th century.
Benjamin Franklin (Giants of Science)
By Kathleen Krull, Illustrated by Boris Kulikov
Benjamin Franklin was a famous inventor and multitasker. He’s best remembered as one of America’s Founding Fathers. But he was also a scientist. His experiments led to important discoveries about the nature of electricity. He famously demonstrated that electricity and lightning are one in the same.
A Ben of All Trades: The Most Inventive Boyhood of Benjamin Franklin
By Michael J. Rosen, Illustrated by Matt Tavares
Young Benjamin Franklin wants to be a sailor, but his father won’t hear of it. The other trades he tries — candle maker, joiner, boot closer, turner — bore him through and through. Curious and inventive, Ben prefers to read, swim, fly his kite, and fly his kite while swimming. But each time he fails to find a profession, he takes some important bit of knowledge with him.
That tendency is exactly what leads him to become the astonishingly versatile genius we remember today. Inspired by The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Michael J. Rosen’s tale captures Ben’s spirit in playful language, while illustrations by Matt Tavares follow Ben from the workbench to the water in vivid detail.
The Remarkable Benjamin Franklin
By Cheryl Harness
No one could have thought up a more amazing character than the living, breathing Benjamin Franklin. He was everything from a “soapmaker, candle dipper, and printer” to a “postmaster, political activist, community reformer, revolutionary, statesman, international diplomat, and first great citizen of a nation which he, as much or more than anyone, helped to create.”
John, Paul, George & Ben
By Lane Smith
Once there were four lads…John [Hancock], Paul [Revere], George [Washington], and Ben [Franklin]. Oh yes, there was also Tom [Jefferson], but he was annoyingly independent and hardly ever around. These lads were always getting into trouble for one reason or another. In other words, they took a few…liberties. And to be honest, they were not always appreciated. This is the story of five little lads before they became five really big Founding Fathers.
The book descriptions used are primarily from the publishers.
If you like this post, then please consider sharing it and leaving a comment below. Thank you! Barbara Lowell, Children’s Author
As a kid, Jackie Robinson loved sports. And why not? He was a natural at football, basketball, and, of course, baseball. But beyond athletic skill, it was his strength of character that secured his place in sports history. In 1947, Jackie joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, breaking the long-time color barrier in Major League Baseball. It was tough being the first, not only did “fans” send hate mail but some of his own teammates refused to accept him.
Stealing Home: Jackie Robinson Against All Odds
By Robert Burleigh, Illustrated by Mike Wimmer
Man on third. Two outs. The pitcher eyes the base runner, checks for the signs. The fans in the jammed stadium hold their breath. Flapping his outstretched arms like wings, number 42 leads off again. It is September 1955, game one of the World Series, theYankees versus the Dodgers, and Jackie Robinson is about to do the unbelievable, attempt to steal home in a World Series game. Is it possible? Yes, it is, if you are Jackie Robinson.
My Little Golden Book About Jackie Robinson
By Frank John Berrios III, Illustrated by Betsy Bauer
This Little Golden Book captures the essence of Jackie Robinson for the littlest readers. Lively text and compelling artwork detail Robinson’s remarkable journey from childhood, to playing for the Negro Leagues, to then becoming the first African American to play in Major League Baseball in the modern era. Little ones will be inspired by the many challenges Robinson gracefully rose to, while they learn important baseball and civil rights history. 2-5 years
Jackie Robinson Breaking Barriers in Baseball
By Kurtis Scaletta
When Jackie Robinson stepped up to the plate for the Brooklyn Dodgers on April 15, 1947, everything changed. He was the first black man to play in a major-league baseball game in the twentieth century! His brave act opened the door for more black players to achieve their own big-league dreams. But how did Jackie break baseball’s color barrier? Whether excelling at every sport he tried as a youngster or standing up for his civil rights as a soldier in the US Army, Jackie always focused on his goals. Find out how this boy who loved baseball became one of history’s greatest trailblazers! 8-12 years
The United States v Jackie Robinson
By Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen, Illustrated by R. Gregory Christie
Jackie Robinson broke boundaries as the first African American player in Major League Baseball. But long before Jackie changed the world in a Dodger uniform, he did it in an army uniform.
As a soldier during World War II, Jackie experienced segregation every day—separate places for black soldiers to sit, to eat, and to live. When the army outlawed segregation on military posts and buses, things were supposed to change.
So when Jackie was ordered by a white bus driver to move to the back of a military bus, he refused. Instead of defending Jackie’s rights, the military police took him to trial. But Jackie would stand up for what was right, even when it was difficult to do. 4-8 years
The Hero Two Doors Down: Based on the True Story of Friendship Between a Boy and a Baseball Legend
By Sharon Robinson
Eight year old Stephen Satlow lives in Brooklyn, New York, which means he only cares about one thing, the Dodgers. Steve hears a rumor that an African-America family is moving to his neighborhood. It’s 1948, and some of his neighbors are against it.Steve knows this is wrong. His hero, Jackie Robinson, broke the color barrier in baseball the year before. And as it turns out, Steve’s new neighbor is Jackie Robinson. Written by Jackie Robinson’s daughter Sharon.
Jackie Robinson: He Led the Way
By April Jones Prince, Illustrated by Robert Casilla
Jackie Robinson became the first black Major League Baseball player of the modern era when he stepped onto the field as a Brooklyn Dodger in 1947. This book follows Jackie from childhood through his career as an award winning baseball player and a hero of the civil rights movement.
When Jackie and Hank Met
by Cathy Goldberg Fishman, Illustrated by Mark Elliott
Jackie Robinson and Hank Greenberg were two very different people. But they both became Major League Baseball players and they both faced a lot of the same challenges in their lives and careers. For Jackie, it was his skin color, for Hank, his religion. On May 17, 1947, these two men met for the first time colliding at firstbase in a close play. While the crowd urged them to fight, Jackie and Hank chose a different path. This is the story of two men who went on to break the barriers of race and religion in America sports and became baseball legends in the process.
by Peter Golenbock, Illustrated by Paul Bacon
This is the moving story of how Jackie Robinson became the first black player on a Major League baseball team when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in the 1940s, and how on a fateful day in Cincinnati, Pee Wee Reese took a stand and declared Jackie his teammate.
I am Jackie Robinson
By Brad Meltzer, Illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos
Jackie Robinson always loved sports, especially baseball. But he lived at a time before the Civil Rights Movement. Even though Jackie was a great athlete, he wasn’t allowed on the best teams just because of the color of his skin. Jackie knew that sports were best when everyone, of every color, played together. He became thefirst black player in Major League Baseball, and his bravery changed history and led the way to equality in all American sports.
The book descriptions used are primarily from the publishers.
If you like this post, then please consider sharing it and leaving a comment below. Thank you! Barbara Lowell, Children’s Author
Amelia Earhart was a woman of many firsts. In 1932, she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1935, she became the first woman to fly across the Pacific. From her early years to her mysterious 1937 disappearance while attempting a flight around the world, readers will find her life a fascinating story. 8-12 years
Daring Amelia
By Barbara Lowell, Illustrated by Jez Tuya
Even as a kid, Amelia Earhart was always looking for adventures. She had mud ball fights, explored caves, and even built a roller coaster in her backyard. The adventures continued as she grew up.
Amelia took flying lessons and was soon performing stunts in the sky. She became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. Still, Amelia wanted to achieve more. She set out to fly around the world. Tragedy struck when Amelia was unable to find the smallisland in the Pacific Ocean she needed to land on. Amelia Earhart is remembered today as a daring explorer who loved to fly. 6-8 years. Teacher Guide available at:
Trailblazers: Amelia Earhart, The First Woman Over the Atlantic
By Sally J. Morgan, Illustrated by David Shepard
On June 19, 1928, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to cross the Atlantic in an airplane. From building her own roller coaster as a child, to climbing to the roof of her boarding school, Amelia was a born daredevil. Find out how the girl who loved watching air shows blazed a trail in aviation! 8-12 years
Amelia Earhart: Pioneer of the Sky!
By James Buckley, Jr., Illustrated by Kelly Tindall
When Amelia Earhart became the first woman to make a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932. She immediately became an American icon and a subject of endless fascination for generations to come. This book is the story of the bold and daring aviator’s life presented in graphic novel format, with full-color illustrations and historically accurate details. From her hardscrabble childhood to her final flight—and mysterious disappearance—Earhart’s journey will entertain, captivate, and inspire readers of all ages. 8-12 years
It’s Her Story — Amelia Earhart, A Graphic Novel
By Kim Moldofsky, Illustrated by Alan Brown
Amelia Earhart was the first women to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She piloted many record-breaking flights, became an author, advised engineers, taught college students, and defended women’s rights. And then somewhere in the South Pacific, she disappeared on an attempted flight around the world. This is her story. 7-10 years
Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride
By Pam Munoz Ryan, Illustrated by Brian Selznick
Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt were birds of a feather. Not only were they two of the most admired and respected women of all time, they were also good friends.
On a brisk and cloudless evening in April 1933, Amelia and Eleanor did the unprecedented: They stole away from a White House dinner, commandeered an Eastern Air Transport jet, andtook off on a glorious adventure, while still dressed in their glamorous evening gowns. 7-10 years
Amelia Earhart: The Legend of the Lost Aviator
By Shelley Tanaka, Illustrated by David Craig
Ever since Amelia Earhart and her plane disappeared on July 2, 1937, people have wanted to know more about this remarkable woman. This book follows the charismatic aviator from her first sight of an airplane at the age of ten to the last radio transmission she made before she vanished. 8-12 years
Night Flight: Amelia Earhart Crosses the Atlantic
By Robert Burleigh, Illustrated by Wendell Minor
Robert Burleigh has captured Amelia Earhart’s first solo flight across the Atlantic in 1932. She was the first woman and only the second person to do this. 4-8 years
When Amelia Earhart Build a Roller Coaster
By Mark Weakland, Illustrated by Oksana Griviana
Amelia Earhart was one of America’s most famous aviators. But do you know what she was like as a child? From running on the river bluffs and playing football to building a roller coaster, Amelia was an active and confident child. Her childhood story will help young readers connect to this historic figure and inspire them. 6-12 years
I am Unstoppable: A Little Book About Amelia Earhart
By Brad Meltzer, Illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos
This friendly, fun biography focuses on the traits that made Amelia Earhart great—the traits that kids can aspire to in order to live heroically themselves. In this new board book format, the very youngest readers can learn about one of America’s icons a lively, conversational way. The short text focuses on drawing inspiration from the famous pilot and includes an interactive element and factual tidbits that young kids will be able to connect with. 2-5 years
Amelia Lost
By Candace Fleming
In alternating chapters, Candace Fleming deftly moves readers back and forth between Amelia’s life, from childhood to her last flight, and the exhaustive search for Amelia and her missing plane. With photos, maps, and handwritten notes from Amelia, this book tackles everything from the history of flight to what Amelia liked to eat while flying. 8 and up
Amelia Earhart: A Photographic Story of a Life
By Tanya Lee Stone
With more than 100 full-color photographs, illustrations, and detailed sidebars, this book celebrates an aviation pioneer who changed how the world is viewed: aviatrix Amelia Earhart. 10 years and up
The descriptions used are primarily from the publishers.
If you liked this post, then please consider sharing it and leaving a comment below. Thank you! Barbara Lowell, Children’s Author