The Phone Book

Stay Safe, Be Smart, and Make the World Better with the Powerful Device in Your Hand

By Jessica Speer, Illustrated by Lesley Imgart

So . . . you got a phone! You can text your friends, play games, and take cool pictures! You have the whole world in your pocket—power to be used as a force for good or, um, not so good.

Fraught with cyberbullying, disinformation, fake stuff, tech addiction, and so much more, the digital world can be downright sad, awkward, and nasty. But have no fear, kids—The Phone Book is here! Packed with research-based explanations, techy tidbits, and real stories from hundreds of teens and preteens, this phone book (the fun kind) will be your guide on the path of light, teaching you healthy phone habits and ways to stay safe online. And while you’re on your journey, super illustrations, activities, and secret codes will reveal the power of your phone and the superpowers you have to wield it. Go forth, be informed, and slay the dark side of technology! 8-13 years

BFF or NRF (Not Really Friends) A Girl’s Guide to Happy Friendships

By Jessica Speer, Illustrated by Elowyn Dickerson

Friendships are tough to navigate, even for adults. The preteen years can be particularly sticky, but we’ve got your back! Packed with fun quizzes, colorful illustrations, and stories about girls just like you, BFF or NRF (Not Really Friends) is the ultimate interactive guidebook to help you learn the ins and outs of friendship. Explore the topics of gossip, bullying, and feeling left out, along with ways to strengthen the friendships that mean the most to you. Author Jessica Speer is an expert on post-pandemic friendships with experience in helping tweens, teens, and young adults navigate their social relationships. 10-12 years

The No More Bullying Book for Kids: Become Strong, Happy and Bully-Proof

By Vanessa Green Allen, Illustrated by Emmeline Pidgen

A friend talks about you behind your back. What do you say? You need a bigger allowance. How do you ask your parents? You ruin your friend’s favorite book. How do you apologize? Here are the exact words you’ll need in these situations — plus more than 200 others. Look inside for the tools, tips, techniques (and actual words!) to help you untangle your tongue and speak out with confidence and grace. Written by professional school counselor Vanessa Green Allen, The No-More Bullying Book for Kids puts the power back in kids hands with tools that will give them confidence in the face of bullying and help them feel really good about who they are―which is all that actually matters. 8-12 years

Life Skills for Kids

By Karen Harris

Life Skills for Tweens

by Ferne Bowe

The preteen years are an important time to learn and discover the world and shape who you will be in it.

While these are exciting times, they can also be tricky. Preteens are dealing with big emotions and physical changes that they may not feel equipped to handle.

They may feel unsure of how to behave or what to do in certain situations. They may be worried about making friends or dealing with increased responsibilities and stress. 8-13 years

A Smart Girl’s Guide: Knowing What to Say

By Patti Kelley Criswell, Illustrated by Brenna Hansen

A friend talks about you behind your back. What do you say? You need a bigger allowance. How do you ask your parents? You ruin your friend’s favorite book. How do you apologize? Here are the exact words you’ll need in these situations — plus more than 200 others. With tools, tips, techniques (and actual words!) to help you untangle your tongue and speak out with confidence and grace. 9-11 years

Middle School Safety Googles Advised: Exploring the Weird Stuff from Gossip to Grades, Cliques to Crushes, and Popularity to Peer Pressure

By Jessica Speer, Illustrated by Lesley Imgart

Take a large group of kids in puberty, send them to a new school, and add a generous dose of tests, homework, and hormones, not to mention diverse personalities, bland food, and unpleasant odors. That’s middle school, and it can be a little . . . weird.

Yes, there are cool things about middle school, like more independence, new friends, and new activities. But there’s baffling stuff too, like harsh judgment, the whole “popularity” thing, and, of course, drama. With insights from hundreds of students, this guidebook explores the halls of middle school, especially the odd behaviors that lurk in the shadows. Slip on your lab coats, because we’re going to dissect these behaviors one by one to understand what’s really going on. With fun illustrations and choose-your-own-adventure-style scenarios, Middle School—Safety Goggles Advised will help you deal with the drama and define who you are and how to navigate life when things get, well, weird. 11-14 years

The book descriptions are primarily from the publishers.

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